The Infinity Lamp is a stunning five-foot handcrafted creation featuring a meticulous hand-painted marble finish that highlights the boundless creativity of the VANTA team.

This unique piece serves as more than just a functional lamp with hollow interior; it is a testament to the limitless possibilities achievable with the right mindset and expertise. Its mesmerizing infinity mirror feature is complemented by handcrafted bolts and LED interior light screen for a touch of modern sophistication.

Explore the elegance of the Infinity Lamp in the captivating photos and video prominently set at the iconic Philadelphia Museum of Art atop of the famous Rocky Steps.

For Sale: Priced at $200, this masterpiece is available for purchase. Feel free to contact us via an Instagram direct message to @vantamemories, or email to bring home a piece that illuminates and symbolizes the depths of artistic ingenuity.


Stage design for Philadelphia-based rapper Kurt’s sold out tour, “The Thurlest Ever.” This was a niche project that pushed the VANTA team to new capabilities of performance set design outside of ourselves.


The infinity table is a small nightstand desk that was hand painted with VANTA black pain and customized with silver hardware, reflecting the signature VANTA color scheme. The unique focus of this piece is the encased top of the nightstand, which houses a handmade infinity mirror with color-changing lighting. The lighting is powered via an outlet.